Pullman Police Department Announces Sexual Assault Investigative Team

According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. Unfortunately, as few as one in five survivors seek help, leaving most perpetrators free to victimize others.

The Pullman Police Department is committed to changing these statistics within our local community. The department is proud to announce our new Sexual Assault Investigative Team (SAIT), comprised of select patrol officers and detectives who are specially trained to provide survivors with compassionate, trauma-informed care throughout the reporting process. The participation of these officers is voluntary, and demonstrates their personal commitment to seeking justice for survivors of sexual assault.

The Pullman Police Department is proud to participate in two pivotal nationwide initiatives, which aim to further transform societal perceptions and responses to sexual assault. The Start by Believing campaign signifies the agency’s pledge to believe and support survivors from the moment that they share their experiences, fostering an environment that encourages survivors to step forward, secure in the knowledge that they will be met with belief, respect, and action.

Seek Then Speak offers a compassionate and accessible pathway for survivors to report sexual assault, and reflects the Pullman Police Department’s commitment to empowering survivors through autonomy over their journey to justice and healing. This program recognizes the importance of allowing survivors of sexual assault to navigate their interactions with law enforcement and support services on their own terms, ensuring that their needs and boundaries are respected at every turn.

Sexual assault is a crime with lasting impacts that affect countless lives each day. The Pullman Police Department is proud to work alongside survivors to ensure a safer future for our community.

Learn more.

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